OWC Spreadsheet and persisted ADO recordset



It seems that both charting and pivot table components can read in XML
generated from ADO persisted record set using the following syntax

ChartSpace1.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSPersist.1"
ChartSpace1.CommandText = "URL providing persisted data"

Is it possible to do the same with SpreadSheet component, all my
experiments are failing so far. Any insights? The goal is to read an
persisted recordset and put it in a worksheet.


Alvin Bruney [MVP]

What errors are you having, the worksheet will bind directly to the
recordset because the recordset implements idatasource.


What errors are you having, the worksheet will bind directly to the
recordset because the recordset implements idatasource.

Can you show an example of binding spreadsheet to a recordset and can
it bind to XML persisted recordset?

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