OWC - SpreadSheet with ADO.NET



Hello to all.
As I can store a information in a SpreadSheet with ADO.NET in ASP.NET, I
already have the SQLDataReader and wanted to put it in spreadSheet.


Michel - Peru

Alvin Bruney [MVP]

None of the Office Web Components are capable of binding to datastructures
from ADO.NET. The reason for this is that the ADO.NET datastructures such as
the dataset do not implement IDataSource interface. Incidentally, unmanaged
COM components do implement this interface so that it is possible for you to
bind to a recordset for instance. You may want to convert your ADO.NET
structures to unmanaged COM containers in order to bind to a OWC component.
Finally, eggheadcafe.com contains an approach to accomplish this. I also
describe a couple more approaches to bind to the components. You should be
able to find a link on MSDN for Microsofts solution to this problem.

Alvin Bruney [Microsoft MVP ASP.NET]

[Shameless Author plug]
The Microsoft Office Web Components Black Book with .NET
Now Available @ http://www.lulu.com/owc

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