Well. i've found this sniffer in one previous message:
Sub CheckForOWC()
Dim objOWC
Dim retval on error resume next
Dim downloadPath downloadPath =
Set objOWC = CreateObject("OWC10.Chartspace")
if(objOWC is nothing) then if msgbox ("O.W.C. v10 is a required
component.",3,"Critical component missing!") = 6 then
end if
End Sub
But this sniffer is in VB.
What I want is the same but in a C# windows application.
Please can someone help me?
Sub CheckForOWC()
Dim objOWC
Dim retval on error resume next
Dim downloadPath downloadPath =
Set objOWC = CreateObject("OWC10.Chartspace")
if(objOWC is nothing) then if msgbox ("O.W.C. v10 is a required
component.",3,"Critical component missing!") = 6 then
end if
End Sub
But this sniffer is in VB.
What I want is the same but in a C# windows application.
Please can someone help me?