OWC10 Chart Control drops last series value


michael weiss

I load three series on a line chart with data using a tab
delimited string for each series. Two of the series
display just fine, the first series(index=0)is dropping
the last data point value even though in checking the data
being provided to that series everything looks correct.
Does anyone have any idea how to correct this? Has anyone
experienced this problem?
Thank you,

Jim Hubbard

I experienced a similar problem....but, in my case, rows 1, 2 and the last
row were not being charted. I added ChartSpaceName.HasPlotDetails = True
and that solved my issue.


Thao Moua [ms]

Make sure your three series have the same number of

Thao Moua
OWC Webchart Support
-----Original Message-----
I experienced a similar problem....but, in my case, rows 1, 2 and the last
row were not being charted. I added
ChartSpaceName.HasPlotDetails = True

michael weiss

Thank you, Thao...the issue of having same number of data
points between series was the first thing I checked. All
three series have the same number of data points. Any idea
what else I can check? I am kind of at a loss here as to
the cause of this...
Thank you,

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