I am trying to create a workbook in OWC10 that has a primary worksheet
followed by a variable number of worksheets providing more detail on the
primary w/s. The data is being generated by javascript and the stylesheet is
The XML looks something like this:
<Project name="Project 1" ... />
<Project name="Project 2" .../>
<Project name="Project 2">
<Task name="Task 1" ... />
<Task name="Task 2" .../>
The main w/s looks fine. It creates a row for each /root/Projects/Project
I am trying to create additional worksheets for each /root/PastDue/Project
element with the Task elements representing the row. The page bombs without
comment. Here is the associated XSL:
<!-- All the style defs and the first worksheet defination
</ss:Workshhet> <!-- end of the main page -->
<xsl:for-each select="/root/PastDue/Project">
<ss:Worksheet> ss:Name="<xsl:value-of select="@name"/>">
ata ss:Type="String")>thing</ss
I have tried a variety of combinations for the name (using a data element,
various quoting methods).
Any help or suggetions (even "you're crazy - it just wor't work) will be
greatly appreciated.
followed by a variable number of worksheets providing more detail on the
primary w/s. The data is being generated by javascript and the stylesheet is
The XML looks something like this:
<Project name="Project 1" ... />
<Project name="Project 2" .../>
<Project name="Project 2">
<Task name="Task 1" ... />
<Task name="Task 2" .../>
The main w/s looks fine. It creates a row for each /root/Projects/Project
I am trying to create additional worksheets for each /root/PastDue/Project
element with the Task elements representing the row. The page bombs without
comment. Here is the associated XSL:
<!-- All the style defs and the first worksheet defination
</ss:Workshhet> <!-- end of the main page -->
<xsl:for-each select="/root/PastDue/Project">
<ss:Worksheet> ss:Name="<xsl:value-of select="@name"/>">
I have tried a variety of combinations for the name (using a data element,
various quoting methods).
Any help or suggetions (even "you're crazy - it just wor't work) will be
greatly appreciated.