OWC11 and c#



I have converted all the vb code in the web service to c# (I find it easier
to work in c#). It is now though erroring on the following lines:
object vk_missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
bool t;

I decided to have a look at objPTView in the command window and have noticed
that FieldSets and Totals have errors. Are there any reasons for this or
does owc not work with c#
FieldSets: <error: an exception of type:
{System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException} occurred>

Totals: <error: an exception of type:
{System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException} occurred>

I have checked this in vb and there are no errors.
Is there another way to add the rows and columns via code?

Many thanks

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