OWC11 - pivotcharts - CrossesAtValue



Hi All,
I have just recently started using OWC11 for pivot tables and charts
and am having problems replicating the functionality I find in a normal
Excel Pivot Chart.

My first question is - does an OWC11 pivot chart exactly replicate an
Excel pivot chart.

In Excel I can set the value-axis (y-axis) to 'Cross at' -100 and this
will change how the main plot area is displayed - it has the result of
flipping the plot area BUT keeping how the order of the y-axis is

In OWC if I try setting this value it has no effect!
This is an example of the code I am using to set this value

chrt.Charts(0).Axes(0).CrossingAxis().Crosses =

chrt.Charts(0).Axes(0).CrossingAxis().CrossesAtValue = -100

'Show values in reverse order' is not an option as this changes the
order of the y-axis.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Gerard

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