OWC11.Spreadsheet copy error on Server 2003


Erich Ahlers

The followng code works 100% on Windows 2000 server running IIS5 or when IIS
6 runs in 5 compatability mode, but creates and error in IIS6 default mode.

CType(mySheet.Columns(ColNum), OWC11.Range).Copy()

I have followed the "solution" Nick Palmer has published, but with no
success. Surely there must be a solution to this problem.
Any input appreciated.


Josh Sale

I work with Nick but I don't think he monitors this news group regularly. I
can tell you that we ultimately rewrote our code to avoid using the Copy


Erich Ahlers

Hi Josh

Thats unfortunate, as I am using the copy method for replicating columns
across. This means a substantial amount of code needs to be developed to
replicate formats, formulas, etc across my sheet, cell by cell.

Come on Microsoft, you cannot merely change the implementation and then walk
away without assisting the developers!

I challenge any Microsoft engineer to show us here how "easy" a column
replication can be done without making use of copy to the clipboard.

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