I don't know if this is what you're looking for, or not. In our web
page containing a pivot table and pivot chart, it showed only the years
when we published it from Excel, even though it was expanded to months
in Excel. We use the following code to expand the year level of the
shared dimension in the OLAP cube so that the pivot table would expand
the Year level of the Calendar dimension.
<script language="javascript">
// Initialize object variables
var pt = document.getElementById('Book1_24147_PivotTable');
var pv = pt.Activeview;
var ra = pv.RowAxis;
// Expand the Year level to view Months
var fscalendar = ra.FieldSets('[Calendar]');
var fldyear = fscalendar.Fields('[Calendar].[Year]');
fldyear.Expanded = 'True';
You could probably determine in which level you are interested and set
the Expanded property to 'False'. My scripting language of choice
(it's the first one I learned!) is JavaScript. I imagine this will
translate to VB fairly easily.
Hope this helps!
Ray <><