Pack & Go option to export file?



I don't have a CD burner on my PC and can only export
large powerpoints by floppy. The Pack & Go option from
the file drop down allows copying to multiple floppies.
My version of Microsoft Office & powerpoint came installed
with the PC and I need the Premium2000 disc to get the
packngo.dll file. I never got that disc. Any idea where
I can get this file from?

Michael Koerner

Out of curiosity, if your burning to a CD, why use Pack and Go. It was designed when floppies were the only way to transport files from one place to another. If you must use P&G make sure you P&G to your Hard Drive first, and then burn that information to your CD.

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

I don't have a CD burner on my PC and can only export
large powerpoints by floppy. The Pack & Go option from
the file drop down allows copying to multiple floppies.
My version of Microsoft Office & powerpoint came installed
with the PC and I need the Premium2000 disc to get the
packngo.dll file. I never got that disc. Any idea where
I can get this file from?

Steve Rindsberg, PPTMVP

I don't have a CD burner on my PC and can only export
large powerpoints by floppy. The Pack & Go option from
the file drop down allows copying to multiple floppies.
My version of Microsoft Office & powerpoint came installed
with the PC and I need the Premium2000 disc to get the
packngo.dll file. I never got that disc. Any idea where
I can get this file from?

If all you need to do is split a presentation to multiple floppies, I'd skip
Pack, and Go to for a copy of WinZip. There's a free
version that'll do the job for you.

Geetesh Bajaj

I've often found CompactFlash and other similar cards to be a great way to
transport large files - you could also try a Zip disk or just upload it
somewhere online.

If you can't get hold of Pack & Go, another solution that places the active
presentation with all links in a single folder is Sonia Coleman's new
PowerLink product:

Geetesh Bajaj, Microsoft PowerPoint MVP

PPT Live - October 12 to 15, 2003
Tucson, AZ


Plus it corrects the links and makes them "relative" so they will work no
matter where you move the presentation.

Couldn't resist. <G>
Sonia, MS PowerPoint MVP Team
(Free templates, Tutorials, PowerLink, PowerLink Plus,
and Autorun CD Project Creator Pro)
PowerPoint Live! - Featured Speaker
Tucson, AZ; October 12-15, 2003

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