Will this be answered in the Dev Edition?
The dev edition does not address the issues of updates any more then what
you have now.
In other words, you current development practices for the most part must
include this issue. It is not solved the dev edition.
In fact, if you adopted good development practices, then using the runtime
edition of ms-access will not be a lot of work.
For example, for a good many years I always built a nice custom interface,
and hide all of the ms-access stuff. You will have done this long before
using the runtime (we hope!!). If you not been hiding all of the ms-access
interface now, you should start doing this. When you finally get around to
using the runtime edition, then NO additional work will be required. Here is
some screen shots of a ms-access application. Note how all of the ms-access
stuff is hidden.
Since the runtime does not have all of the ms-access menus, you need to
provide the features you need by building your own forms, or often some
custom menus.
So, you most certainly can, and should hide all of the ms-access interface.
The options to complete hide and keep people out of the ms-access interface
can easily be done using the tools->start-up options. Using those options
allows you to complete hide the ms-access interface (tool bars, database
window etc). Also, using these options means you
do not have to bother setting up security.
Try downloading and running the 3rd example at my following web site that
shows a hidden ms-access interface, and NO CODE is required to do
this....but just some settings in the start-up.
Check out:
After you try the application, you can exit, and then re-load the
application, but hold down the shift key to by-pass the start-up options. If
want, you can even disable the shift key by pass. I have a sample mdb file
that will let you "set" the shift key bypass on any application you want.
You can get this at:
The above example would be "runtime" ready.
I can see updates/revisions that can be done to improve performance and
extra features, but want to do this at a later date.
Adding new reprotes, new forms, bug fixes in code.....adding new code is all
very easy. It is assumed that you split your database. Thus, to udpate a
user to the next great version of your product, you simply send them a new
front end (which by the way *should* be a mde --- this begs the question
now..you should as a habit be using and deploying mde fiels now in
preopfartion for the day when you start using the runtime -- so, get used
this concpet now).
If you not been working with a split data base..then this is another issue
that you need to become 2nd nature to your develpumet process. Here is a
article on splitting
So, splitting your database will make updates very easy. Remember, even
with the runtime/dev edtion, any mdb, or mde file you palce on that comptuer
will fucntion by simply double cliking on it. The runtime is nothing
speical..but simply a edtion without the desing part...the rest of how it
works is really the same as the full edtion (snas the menus).
Added features meaning
additional tables will be needed for different data type.
ok..now we are talkbing about modfyingt the tables and data...and NOT just
hte code. This is a more dififcult issue.
There are seveal apprahces here
** Simply have the user send you back the data file...you mdofy
it..and send it back to them. This kind of aporach is not very good, but if
you think about it..it is likey what you been doing now. (you make sure no
one is using the database..and then you simply mdoify it).
** write code to deteict that the particlar table, or field is
missing..and then write more code to "add" this table, or field to the back
end database. THis takes code, and is more effort on your part..but certanly
less work on the end users part. This is much like what happens when a new
verstion of word, or even ms-access comes out....some tables and interal
things have been modifed...so you have a new format. Hence, you can offer
some coverter program you write..but for the sake of simplicy, you startup
code in the apcpaton shoul djust for these msising fields..and then you
write code to add those fieds or tables to the database.
Can I package an updated version?
I actually don't use the package wizard to send updates. I just zip the new
mdb, and send them a self extracting zip file. I done this for years. It is
far easier then trying to use the package wizard for this.
Note that the runtime system is really more of a purchase of the *right* to
distribute your application. However, as a application install system, it is
very weak. If you are planning wide spread installs to machines that you
don't have control over, then I would suggest that you consider purchasing
some 3rd party scripts...such as those from