package for cd sound issue



I created a presentation in ppt 2003 and then ran the package for cd feature
as I need to burn multiple copies for others. The burned cd runs mildly okay
on my pc (the music is out of sync by a few slides and sometimes the track
"skips"). When I move to another computer to test the show, the first sound
file (music which plays under the first 63 slides) is completely missing. The
second sound file - finishes out the show and starts on cue. What gives? (I
am trying to play the burned cd in windows 2000).

Michael Koerner

The operating system 2000 does not matter. What matters is that the only
music file that travels with PowerPoint by being embedded, are WAV files all
others are linked and have to travel with the presentation Timings and
synchronizations are not one of PowerPoint's best features, and will vary
from machine to machine. Also CD drives run slower than Hard Drives which
will also throw your synchronization out of whack.

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

|I created a presentation in ppt 2003 and then ran the package for cd
| as I need to burn multiple copies for others. The burned cd runs mildly
| on my pc (the music is out of sync by a few slides and sometimes the track
| "skips"). When I move to another computer to test the show, the first
| file (music which plays under the first 63 slides) is completely missing.
| second sound file - finishes out the show and starts on cue. What gives?
| am trying to play the burned cd in windows 2000).
| --
| lindava


Thanks, I did not know that only .wav files will embed with the "package for
cd" feature. Both of the music files in my show are .wma...however, it
doesn't explain why one of the sound files played from "packaged cd show" on
the older OS and the other did not. Both play from "packaged cd show" on the
xp system. Could different Media player versions be somehow related ? --

Michael Koerner

Could be a whole number of things that could cause one file to play and the
other not. You might want to have a look here as a place to start

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

| Thanks, I did not know that only .wav files will embed with the "package
| cd" feature. Both of the music files in my show are .wma...however, it
| doesn't explain why one of the sound files played from "packaged cd show"
| the older OS and the other did not. Both play from "packaged cd show" on
| xp system. Could different Media player versions be somehow related ? --
| lindava
| "Michael Koerner" wrote:
| > The operating system 2000 does not matter. What matters is that the only
| > music file that travels with PowerPoint by being embedded, are WAV files
| > others are linked and have to travel with the presentation Timings and
| > synchronizations are not one of PowerPoint's best features, and will
| > from machine to machine. Also CD drives run slower than Hard Drives
| > will also throw your synchronization out of whack.
| >
| > --
| > <>Please post all follow-up questions/replies to the newsgroup<>
| > <><>Email unless specifically requested will not be opened<><>
| > <><><>Do Provide The Version Of PowerPoint You Are Using<><><>
| > <><><>Do Not Post Attachments In This Newsgroup<><><>
| > Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]
| >
| >
| > | > |I created a presentation in ppt 2003 and then ran the package for cd
| > feature
| > | as I need to burn multiple copies for others. The burned cd runs
| > okay
| > | on my pc (the music is out of sync by a few slides and sometimes the
| > | "skips"). When I move to another computer to test the show, the first
| > sound
| > | file (music which plays under the first 63 slides) is completely
| > The
| > | second sound file - finishes out the show and starts on cue. What
| > (I
| > | am trying to play the burned cd in windows 2000).
| > | --
| > | lindava
| >
| >
| >

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