Packaged Presentation Password Protected - On Web


A in Wyoming

PowerPoint 2003 Question/Issue:

My agency has a presentation that they have asked be placed on our website.
The presentation needs to be such that it cannot be modified by anyone. I
have tried Saving the File as a Web Page, but the file can then be saved -
via the web browser - and modified by the user.

I then tried putting a password on the original file for modifications only
- not for opening; I then packaged the presentation for a CD.

When testing the webpage two results are encountered on various computers.
On my computer, when selecting to OPEN the presentation, I am prompted to
enter a password to modify the file or I can select READ ONLY. This is the
desired result.

However, when trying the same process on another computer, the user is
prompted to enter a password in order to OPEN the file; obviously, this is
not the desired result.

Anyone have any ideas or suggestions on how I can accomplish this? I
appreciate any input!

Thank you in advance!

Aaron Rykhus [MS]

I know you'll be prompted to Open and won't get the Read Only button if you
try to open the presentation logged in as a user with a mandatory profile.

This is because the newer encryption methods that various Office programs
use for password protection can't be used on mandatory profiles because they
need to write to the user's public key in the profile and mandatory profiles
are read-only.

Hope that helps.

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