Packaging a Presentation to a CD


Ricki W.

I have a very basic presentation - just using a MS theme for formatting, and
verdana as a font. There are no images, etc. When packaging this
presentation to a CD, the fonts do not display on the packaged CD version.

I have attempted to embed fonts at both the "Save As" and the packaging
options level and am at my wit's end.



Ricki W.

It won't display on my PC, or others. All of the PC's that I have tried this
on are modern Windows PC's, as well.

When I say "does not display" I mean that it completely will not display.
No garbled text, no odd characters.... nothing. :-(

Ricki W.


Thanks for the responses thus far!

I completed both of your tests, on two different computers, and in both
cases everything was great. The text displayed as expected.


Ricki W.

Thanks a bunch Steve! And, as an FYI, you were right on about 2007... my
boss runs it and has accessed the PPT...


Steve Rindsberg said:
I have sent a test presentation your way!

Thanks Ricki. I think we have a winner here.

The problem seems to be a corrupted PPT file; sometimes a corrupted file can work fine in
some versions of PPT/Viewer and not others.

I'm figuring it's the original file that's corrupt, not the one produced by Package for CD,
because if I open the original in the PPT viewer, the text goes missing there too. That
seems to let P4CD off the hook.

So what I did was to open the original and roundtrip it to HTML and back (which tends to
clean out certain forms of nastiness). I saved that version off to the folder full of P4CD
goodness and voila, it opens and plays fine. [That'd be the folder containing all the P4CD

Our free PPTools Starter Set has a tool that automatically roundtrips files to HTML for you

This explains how to do it manually:

HTML "Round-tripping" to repair corruption

I've added info about this problem here:

Text disappears in the Viewer

How'd it get corrupted? Hard to say. Some oddity re saving from 2007 originally? I
noticed that the presentation thinks it needs Calibri, which suggests that 2007 touched it.

Executive Summary:
Mildly corrupted PPT file causes text to disappear in the Viewer but not in PPT itself.
Rountripping fixes the problem.

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP

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