Packaging Wizard for Access 2003


Ron Bord

After reading microsoft 2003 office beta Access
Developers Extension Overview I had an understanding that
the Packaging Wizard that is used to create runtime
packages is included in the Visual Studio tools for
Office. To download the Visual Studio tools for office
you need Visual and a couple of other
prerequisites. After purchasing these items and
installing them on my workstation I then downloaded the
Visual Studio tools for office from microsoft. Sad to say
I did not find a packaging wizard in access or Visual tools. Where is it and does it exist for me to
create runtime packages to deploy in Office 2003?

Albert D. Kallal

For every version I have seen, you have always needed the developer edition
of office.

The visual studio and visual dev tools never did include the runtime support
for ms-access.

While database programs like FoxPro do ship with Visual studio, ms-access
has always been part office. Thus you need the office developer tools.

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