I handle the output from a couple local printers.
I see dozens of PDF files each week, generated from a wide variety of
90% of them are done wrong. Typical errors include 1X business card
flowing in middle of a letter page (or ANY customer-provided imposition!),
lack of bleed, use of colored photos in a file that shoould be black +
spot color, page sequences wrong in a booklet (some people want to do
all even pages then all odd bages or something, and it happens fairly
often), etc.
Many of these problems are relatively straightforward to correct in the
native application but are time consuming (thus expen$ive) to correct in
Even "experienced" people screw this stuff up ("experienced meaning
they've used the software for awhile and are adept at using it, but this
conveys no understanding of how this thing they've made is going to be
put on the press).
I am not one to encourage use of PDF by those who are inexperienced in
the process. In too many cases, it will end up costing them more.