Pad field length



I have a table with item numbers that range from 6-8 characters in
length. What I want to try to accomplish is pad the end of those items
numbers that are less than 8 chars. with 0’s so they are 8 chars. long. So
item # ME850C will pad out to ME850C00. How can I do this in?


I should probably have also stated that the table I would like to use is a
linked table coming from a CSV file from a query I have from a different

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

MarkM said:
I have a table with item numbers that range from 6-8 characters in
length. What I want to try to accomplish is pad the end of those items
numbers that are less than 8 chars. with 0's so they are 8 chars. long. So
item # ME850C will pad out to ME850C00. How can I do this in?

Function RPad(S, ByVal C As String, N As Integer) As String
If Len(C) = 0 Then C = " "
If N < 1 Then
RPad = ""
RPad = Left$(S & String$(N, Left$(C, 1)), N)
End If
End Function

? RPad("ME850C","0",8)
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads

John Vinson

I have a table with item numbers that range from 6-8 characters in
length. What I want to try to accomplish is pad the end of those items
numbers that are less than 8 chars. with 0’s so they are 8 chars. long. So
item # ME850C will pad out to ME850C00. How can I do this in?

One sneaky way is to use an expression like

Right([ItemNumber] & "00000000", 8)

Use it as a calculated field in a query to just display the padded
value, or in an Update query to permanently (and irrevokably) update
the field.

John W. Vinson[MVP]

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

John Vinson said:
I have a table with item numbers that range from 6-8 characters in
length. What I want to try to accomplish is pad the end of those items
numbers that are less than 8 chars. with 0's so they are 8 chars. long. So
item # ME850C will pad out to ME850C00. How can I do this in?

One sneaky way is to use an expression like

Right([ItemNumber] & "00000000", 8)

Use it as a calculated field in a query to just display the padded
value, or in an Update query to permanently (and irrevokably) update
the field.

I think you meant:

Left([FieldName] & "00000000", 8)
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads

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