A "problem" similar to *what*? Since you posted as a new topic, one has
no way of knowing which other topic you're referring to.
Assuming it has to do with spacing - which is something not revealed by
the Show/Hide ¶ feature - you can check in at least 2 other ways.
Click in the para above or below the space. If the para has a style
applied check to see if that style includes Space Before or Space
After, 'Keeps' attribs or other para formatting that would account for
the spacing, then modify th style accordingly.
If there is no style applied, go to Format>Paragraph - Line & Page
Breaks as well as Indents & Spacing to see what has been directly
applied & change as required.
If this isn't the issue, post back with an accurate description of what
the problem is.
HTH |:>)