Page and Section Breaks



I'm having a similar problem in Word X. The section and page breaks are
visible. No other formatting is visible.


A "problem" similar to *what*? Since you posted as a new topic, one has
no way of knowing which other topic you're referring to.

Assuming it has to do with spacing - which is something not revealed by
the Show/Hide ¶ feature - you can check in at least 2 other ways.

Click in the para above or below the space. If the para has a style
applied check to see if that style includes Space Before or Space
After, 'Keeps' attribs or other para formatting that would account for
the spacing, then modify th style accordingly.

If there is no style applied, go to Format>Paragraph - Line & Page
Breaks as well as Indents & Spacing to see what has been directly
applied & change as required.

If this isn't the issue, post back with an accurate description of what
the problem is.

HTH |:>)


Sorry about the new topic and my lack of clarity. The actual "Section
Break (Continuous)" tag with the double dotted line and the page break
single dotted line are visible in my document. They don't print, but I
can't send them as an edoc with the two fomatting items visible.

Thanks, Jim


Those markups only appear if the user has Show/Hide ¶ turned on.

You can turn it Off in your copy of Word, but it doesn't matter. If you
are sending the doc as an attachment the markup will still be visble if
the recipient has the feature turned On... the markup *has* to be there
in order to maintain the structure of the doc.

If the doc is sent as message content in email the markup doesn't

HTH |:>)

Daiya Mitchell

addendum: If Show/Hide (¶ on the standard toolbar) doesn't work, check the
View settings in Word | Preferences, under nonprinting characters.

But that setting still doesn't travel with the document.

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