Page break based on value of sort field



I have an existing report that sorts on OR suite. OR1, OR2, OR3.. etc.
We have added room for procedures, PROC1, PROC2, etc. I was hoping to
modify the existing report (rather than have 2) that would send a page break
when the room name changed from "O" something to "P"something (O*, P*).

Thanks, T Ya

Marshall Barton

T.Yaya said:
I have an existing report that sorts on OR suite. OR1, OR2, OR3.. etc.
We have added room for procedures, PROC1, PROC2, etc. I was hoping to
modify the existing report (rather than have 2) that would send a page break
when the room name changed from "O" something to "P"something (O*, P*).

Use the Sorting and Grouping winsow (View menu) to create a
group on the expression =Left(suite, 1). Select Yes for
the Group Header property.

Add a text box to the new group header section and set its
control source to the same expression. Set the section's
ForceNewPage property to Before Section.

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