I'm not really a new user, but after using Word for about 10 years, I am
utterly baffled by v.2002 that came with my new computer.
I just printed a document in which I had inserted a page break. Instead of
printing on a new sheet of paper, Word inserted the dotted Page Break line
in the middle of the previous page and printed the text for the new page
below it -- just the way it appears on the screen. In every other edition of
Word that I have used, a Page Break (Ctrl-Enter) meant that the text below
the break printed on a new sheet of paper. I can't find anything in the Help
files that refers to the bizarre way v. 2002 handles this command.
I'm not really a new user, but after using Word for about 10 years, I am
utterly baffled by v.2002 that came with my new computer.
I just printed a document in which I had inserted a page break. Instead of
printing on a new sheet of paper, Word inserted the dotted Page Break line
in the middle of the previous page and printed the text for the new page
below it -- just the way it appears on the screen. In every other edition of
Word that I have used, a Page Break (Ctrl-Enter) meant that the text below
the break printed on a new sheet of paper. I can't find anything in the Help
files that refers to the bizarre way v. 2002 handles this command.