Page Breaks



Coming from the WordPerfect community, I am having a very difficult time
understanding breaks. I've read the postings in this newsgroups and read the
info in the links provided.

I have a pleading. It should be on one page, but it has a second page with
nothing on it. There is a next page break at the end of the first page,
which ends on line 15. I can not, for the life of me, delete the second
page. When I delete the next page break, the text stays but the pleading
numbers disappear. I've changed the next page break to a continuous page
break and when I try to delete the next page break, the continuous page break
gets deleted and the next page break is back where it was.

How do I get rid of the second page without losing the formatting of the
pleading lines?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I suspect the pleading lines are anchored to the header in the second
section. View | Header and Footer, copy the header, delete the section
break, and then paste the header contents back in. Or, more simply, in the
header for Section 2, click on the Same as Previous or Link to Previous
button on the Header and Footer toolbar to turn it on, thus making the
header in the second section the same as the first; then delete the break.
There are other approaches; see

The lines may also be a page border, in which case it's a simple matter of
replicating the Section 1 page border in Section 2.


Suzanne S. Barnhill said:
I suspect the pleading lines are anchored to the header in the second
section. View | Header and Footer, copy the header, delete the section
break, and then paste the header contents back in. Or, more simply, in the
header for Section 2, click on the Same as Previous or Link to Previous
button on the Header and Footer toolbar to turn it on, thus making the
header in the second section the same as the first; then delete the break.
There are other approaches; see

The lines may also be a page border, in which case it's a simple matter of
replicating the Section 1 page border in Section 2.

Thank you! I read more information on your web page about true page breaks, etc. One particular I didn't point out in my initial email is that the footer is in a table, so I may not be able to remove the blank page after all -- although I deleted the footer altogether to see if I could remove the page, and couldn't.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Provided you copy any needed footer information from one footer to another,
you should still be able to delete the break. If worst comes to worst,
format the single empty paragraph after the break as Hidden, and the page
won't print. Note that the table in the footer won't have the same effect as
a table in the document itself (though there will be an empty paragraph
after the table in the footer).

breaks, etc. One particular I didn't point out in my initial email is that
the footer is in a table, so I may not be able to remove the blank page
after all -- although I deleted the footer altogether to see if I could
remove the page, and couldn't.

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