Page down key locked on excel worksheet



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Power PC

Press page down key but page cannot move down. Instead stuck at cell no 58.Toggle page down key cell move to 115. It seems that it is lock at these two cells across the entire worksheet. Page up key does not work.'I just cannot move the page down. Scroll bar is stuck at the top right hand corner. can you please help. It is quite a common problem for me when working on Excel 2008.


Make sure you have Office fully updated [12.1.5] & that you are *not* using
the Leopard feature called "Spaces". If the problem continues once you've
confirmed those points & restarted your Mac...

Is this in one particular file or ALL files?

If ALL: Close all Office programs, then remove/rename the following;


Assuming things work as they should when you launch Excel the old .plist
file can then be Trashed.

If it's just the one file, however, just try copying the content to a new
sheet in a new file to see if the problem goes with the data. If so, reply
with more details about the file, its source & its content. You'll also need
to be more clear about exactly what's happening - You say Page Down doesn't
work then in the next sentence you say it moves to 115, and I have no idea
what you mean by "toggle" here. As for the Scroll Bar: are you dragging the
main button itself or the arrow buttons at the end or clicking directly on
the bar?... Or does it make no difference which you use? Does Option+Page
Up/Down work to move across the sheet? Please provide accurate details.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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