Page Down Shortcut


Ross Payne

Word 2003. What is the shortcut key for going from the top of one page to
the top of the next? I thought it was CTRL + PGDN, but that does not work.

Ross Payne


I seem to remember that when your previously done something like search and
replace or something similar, the combination doesn't work. If you watch the
buttons in the rightdown corner of your screen they will have a blue print.
Click the little round button between them and choose page and everything
should be allright.


Ctrl+PageDown's default assignment is to the BrowseNext command. But
BrowseNext's functionality changes depending on what the last type of
browsing it last performed. If you want a command that always goes to
the next page, you need to access Word's built-in commands GoToNextPage
and GoToPreviousPage.

First open the Customize Keyboard dialog (Tools, Customize, Keyboard),
then choose All Commands in the left pane, and scroll down to the two
commands in the right pane, and assign convenient keystrokes to them.

Just another wrinkle in the wierd world of Word. :)


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