page extends beyond horizontal ruler



Using Word 2003 we're editing some of the MSUP documents prior to presenting
them. Some of the documents are now extending past the right end of the
ruler at the top of the page. When we attempt to print them it almost looks
like they've been scaled back to about 75% of their original size. I've
tried the documents with Word 2002, Word 2003, and the Word 2003 Viewer and
all fail. The good news is that when I try them in Word 2007 they behave
correctly. I've started Word 2003 with the slash a option (Troubleshooting
Utility advice) and the problem still exists. I need to resolve the problem
with Word 2003 because we still need to use that version in our Computer
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garfield-n-odie [MVP]

In Word 2003, if you are working in Normal view, then either switch to
Print Layout view, or click on Tools | Options | View tab | uncheck the
"Wrap to window" box | OK.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Do the documents contain markup (tracked changes or comments)? If so, Word
is allowing margin space for the "balloons."


Thanks Suzanne. That was the problem. We've never used "Markup" before but
the documents were written with it activated. I'm still trying to figure out
why they worked in Word 2007.

Thanks again, Tom

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