Ok, I spent the past 1 1/2 days trying to figure out why I was getting a result of #Error when totaling a dollar field in the PAGE Footer section. Field names were not misspelled, missing, or whatever. I reviewed the Northwind Sample Database and scanned two THICK books on Access 97 to no avail. And, I had forgotten about this newsgroup. Finally, this morning, I decided to try moving by control out of the PAGE Footer section into the Detail section. Lo & behold, no more #Error. My sum calculation worked! I then moved the control back to the PAGE footer section and I got the #Error result again. I then added a Report Footer and a Group Footer to the report and my control totaled properly in each section. I then decided the sum function does not work in the PAGE Footer section. This was about the time I remembered this newsgroup existed. So, I came here, searched for my probelem, and found I was not the only one who was stumped about totals in the PAGE footer section. My curiousity is now piqued and I am curious as to why totaling does not work in the PAGE footer section. I read May's response to one question about this subject but it was a cursory explanation and I hope May, or someone else, can expand on her answer. Thanks!