Page has gone missing


Mark Payton

I was conducting a series of training classes yesterday
for new Tablet PC users. My notes were on a page in
OneNote, toward the end of a set of pages in a 4+
megabyte .one file. Sometime between the third and
fourth training classes, that single page went missing.
It is not in my deleted pages, nor can I locate it in any
of the other sections by searching for terms that are in
it. It just disappeared.

I am certain that I did not delete or move it, so I can
only assume that this is a very serious bug. Has anyone
else experienced this? Can anyone tell me I'm just crazy
or stupid and have overlooked something obvious?

I am very fortunate that I use Veritas Backup option for
laptops as I was able to recover the page from a previous
version of the .one file but our students are not going
to be so fortunate.

Mark Payton
Vermont Academy

Chris_Pratley \(MS\)

Mark, that is concerning.

Was it in the backup that OneNote makes? (File/Open backup)

Any chance you could send us the file that had the page missing (if you
still have it)


Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

I was conducting a series of training classes yesterday
for new Tablet PC users. My notes were on a page in
OneNote, toward the end of a set of pages in a 4+
megabyte .one file. Sometime between the third and
fourth training classes, that single page went missing.
It is not in my deleted pages, nor can I locate it in any
of the other sections by searching for terms that are in
it. It just disappeared.

I am certain that I did not delete or move it, so I can
only assume that this is a very serious bug. Has anyone
else experienced this? Can anyone tell me I'm just crazy
or stupid and have overlooked something obvious?

I am very fortunate that I use Veritas Backup option for
laptops as I was able to recover the page from a previous
version of the .one file but our students are not going
to be so fortunate.

Mark Payton
Vermont Academy


Chris Pratley has already mentioned one solution if the problem

Another thing you may want to be aware of is that you can set (or more
precisely unset) an option that prevents deleted pages being discarded
when you close OneNote (assuming that that is what happened).

In Tools | Options select Editing and uncheck the Empty Deleted Pages
on OneNote Exit option. Assuming that you have the next checkbox set
to several days (I set mine to 7 days) then you have plenty of time to
recover deliberately or accidentally deleted pages (assuming that that
is what happened).

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

Mark Payton


I saved the original before restoring, so I have both
versions if you want them. Where do I send it/ them?

The backup file did contain the missing page I'm glad to
know about this feature. It looks to be implemented in
away we will find useful.


Mark Payton


Thanks for The tip.

I am fairly certain that I1 didn't exit OneNote at the
time the file disappeared, though I did suspend the

I wish I could say with certainty.


Chris_Pratley \(MS\)

Mark, can you zip them up and mail them to (e-mail address removed)

remove the "online." from the email address so that I get it.



i had the exact same problem. although i cannot be
entirely sure i did not delete the page, i had no reason to
delete it, and no intention of deleting it, but it is
certainly not threre. furthermore, a backup of that file
was never made, although i do not understand why, as i had
the backup option set to backup every day, and i created
and edited that page over the course of several days. i
can email anyone the file if you are still interested...

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