Word 2003 - Using Section Breaks, and the tools on the Header and Footer
toolbar I have an 11 page document with no Header or Footer on the first page
(Section 1), i,ii are page numbers on the next two pages(Section 2), and then
1 of 11, 2 of 11,.....to 8 of 11 in the third section.
I need to get the third section to read 1 of 8, 2 of 8,...8 of 8.
I cant get the total number of pages in section 3 to be an 8.
Please help
toolbar I have an 11 page document with no Header or Footer on the first page
(Section 1), i,ii are page numbers on the next two pages(Section 2), and then
1 of 11, 2 of 11,.....to 8 of 11 in the third section.
I need to get the third section to read 1 of 8, 2 of 8,...8 of 8.
I cant get the total number of pages in section 3 to be an 8.
Please help