Page lengths



When I used a template for my website, I customised the size as the template
page was too short.
Some pages have a lot of information on them and others very little. How do
I make each page as long as it needs to be, without reams of empty space
where one scrolls down a blank screen? In other words, I need some pages to
be long and others to be short. I don't want an empty blank page on pages
where I have very little info, such as the Contact page. TIA.


When you publish you pages they will only be as long as the contents on the



Hi Michelle,

You don't need to adjust the length of the pages when working in your pub.
doc. Once you have published your web site, Publisher automatically
truncates your pages after the last item on the page, however long or short.
Check it out in 'Web Page Preview'



Just as long as it is not too short and the objects at the bottom are in the
scratch area. I just had to say that. Must be the weather. Summer is
almost here.



When you say template, do you mean you are using a large graphic template as
a background image?

Which version of Publisher are you using?

If you have already published part of your site on the net, what is the URL?


Hi Spke, Maureen & Geoffrey
Thanks so much for your replies. It worked exactly as you said, all I
needed to do was make sure the bottom navigation bar was directly above where
I wanted the page to end. I was doing the Web Page Preview without doing
that so the pages were all l-o-n-g. Yay!
Geoffrey, the template is just a simple one, with a background colour and no
background graphics. I will definitely bear in mind that if there is a
graphic it will impact on the length of the page. At the moment I'm still
designing the site so it's not up & running yet.
Thanks *so* much all of you, your assistance is wonderful and prompt!!

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