I have a document that is to have page numbering of the
form X of Y, where the 'Y' is to be the last page before
the appendices.
I thought of inserting a bookmark on this page but am
uncertain how to determine what the page number is and
how to get it automatically inserted into the footer.
The body of the document has a footer with 3 elements
(all are fields) in a single-cell table separated by
tabs. It look like this:
document revision > date > X of Y
The appendix has no footer.
form X of Y, where the 'Y' is to be the last page before
the appendices.
I thought of inserting a bookmark on this page but am
uncertain how to determine what the page number is and
how to get it automatically inserted into the footer.
The body of the document has a footer with 3 elements
(all are fields) in a single-cell table separated by
tabs. It look like this:
document revision > date > X of Y
The appendix has no footer.