Page number removal in front matter word doc.

  • Thread starter Jerry Gryniewicz
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Jerry Gryniewicz

This is my first post. Please forgive me if this question has been asked and
answered before.

Please help me my brain is about to melt. This is in regards to page
numbering from an article by Suzanne Barnhill, How to set up a document with
front matter numbered separately.(Published in

I was able to separate my book into two sections as described and
successfully renumber the pages. I was also able to remove the Roman numeral
(i) from my title page.

My problem:
I have four more pages after the title page that I cannot remove the Roman
numerals. For example in a book the copyright information and
acknowledgement page do not get numbered. Can you please help me to
accomplish this.

Below is the part that I want to do but could no longer follow because it
did not explain how to do it:

"If you’re laying out a formal book, you may find that there are pages in
the front matter other than the title page that should not show a page
number—the copyright page, for example. Once you have begun to understand how
section breaks and especially the Same as Previous feature work, you will be
able to insert additional section breaks in order to further customize the
headers and footers in the front matter...." (by Suzanne Barnhill)

Is there a way to simply tell these few pages to not show their page number?

I appreciate any help you can give me.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

No, there is no way to "simply tell these few pages to not show their page
number" unless they are in a separate section. You can to some extent play
off the various headers/footers against each other (that is, if you have
both "Different first page" and "Different odd and even" enabled, you can
omit page numbers on, say, even pages and leave them on odds, or omit them
from the first pages of sections), but for the most part, whenever you want
to change a header/footer, you have to insert a section break.

So you have to figure out which pages are numbered and which aren't and add
a section break wherever this changes. Then you have to unlink the headers
or (more often) footers in these sections by clicking "Same as Previous" or
"Link to Previous." Once the headers/footers are unlinked, you can change
one without affecting others.

Charles Kenyon

You'll need conditional (IF) fields to not print on certain pages. Take a
look at For even
more, see

What follows is an example of such a field where a certification is at the
end of a section. I don't want the page numbers for the section to include
the certification pages nor do I want page numbers on the certification
pages. There is a book mark at the beginning of the first certification
{ If { Page }< { PAGEREF CertificationPage }"Page { Page } of { = { PAGEREF
CertificationPage } - 1 }" "Certification Page" }
Charles Kenyon

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