Page number


Bill Taylor

I need to find text in a large document and then find it's location (page #
?). I am automating this from Access and I want to store the location (page
numbers) in a table to use later to go to that page. How should I go about
this? Help.......


Here's one example

Dim wdApp As New Word.Application
Dim doc As Word.Document
Dim r As Word.Range

Set doc = wdApp.Documents.Open("c:\temp\MySearchDoc.doc")
Set r = doc.Content

With r.Find
.Text = "My_Search_String"
End With

'retrieve pagenumber using information property of a range
'Note: first instance of searchstring
MsgBox r.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber)

doc.Close 0
wdApp.Quit: Set wdApp = Nothing


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