page numbering double column pages


Joe Poley

I have a document which is set up as 2 columns/page in landscape format. If
I ask for page numbering it places a single page number at the middle of the
one page but I want 2 page numbers per page or one per column. Nothing I
have read even hints at being able to do this. I have another question.
Once I finish the complete write up, it will be 93 full pages or 186 1/2
pages (2 columns/page). I want to be able to use both the front and back of
each page to reduce the volume of pages. Sure I can do it manually but when
I do, tabs seem to go out the window, so that I have to go through each page
and manually reformat each page. Is there an easy way to format this so that
I can print page #1, column #1, with page #1, column #2 on the back of the
first page. I'm trying to reduce the volume of pages. I can do it now
manually but it requires a large effort of coordination, and often results in
having to start over.

Joe Poley

Thanks so much for attempting to answer my questions. Yes, I am creating a
booklet but not quite the same as you mentioned. It is a Biblical
Discipleship from our Prison Ministry to prisoners across the country. Yes,
I am using landscape mode and two columns. Since I wrote my inquiry it has
gotten even more involved.
Basically, one side of the paper is created as page # 1 & 2, the second
sheet is page # 3 & 4. However, I am trying to minimize paper and maximize
both front and read of each page to cut down on size. My printer is capable
of duplex printing, meaning it will print one side then the second sheet on
the back. However, under the conditions mentioned above, in doing so, when
you read the material, it now becomes page # 1 (front left side), with page #
3 on the back (left)side, and page # 2 (front right side) with page #4 on the
back (left) side.

What I am doing is printing and then cutting the page in half, then using a
spiral binding to make up the booklet. This is about 93 full pages of
material or 186 1/2 pages of material. After cuttingin half, I coordinate
and put into a spiral binding after punching the holes on the left side and
including a front and rear cover.

My lates delimma is that I figured out in order to make all the pages
sequential, front to back on each half page, that once I create the document
as sheet # 1, page # 1 & 2, sheet # 2, page # 3 & 4, then I have to flip the
pages around to get them coordinated to each other in the proper manner. So,
sheet # 1 becomes page # 1 & 3, sheet # 2 become page # 4 & 2. Notice even
the reversal of sequence on the second page. This has to be repeated every
two pages. When this occurs, for some reason, much of the tabs,
beginning/ending lines change and I have to manually adjust and readjust
until it looks right. Since this is not completed, any changes makes me go
through the whole process again. If I had any hair, I would have pulled it
out by now.

Why don't I just go to a publisher? This is a self contained Prison
Ministry with little money for such things but the benefit to prisoners is
unmeasurable. I can't be the only person who has ever ran into this, can I?
I am on Word 2007.

Sorry for the length, but it is this complicated. Thanks for your
willingness to help!


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