Page Numbering How To Turn Off



I am trying to remove page numbers from the word document (Word 2002).
But it doesn't seem to work. I am using the following code to
manipulate most AutoFormat features.

With objWord

With .Options
.UpdateLinksAtPrint = True
.PrintDrawingObjects = True
.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyHeadings = False
.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyBorders = False
.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyBulletedLists = False
.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyNumberedLists = False
.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyTables = False
.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceQuotes = True
.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceSymbols = True
.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceOrdinals = False
.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplacePlainTextEmphasis = True
.AutoFormatAsYouTypeFormatListItemBeginning = False
.AutoFormatAsYouTypeDefineStyles = False
.AutoFormatApplyHeadings = False
.AutoFormatApplyLists = False
.AutoFormatApplyBulletedLists = False
.AutoFormatApplyOtherParas = False
.AutoFormatReplaceQuotes = True
.AutoFormatReplaceSymbols = True
.AutoFormatReplaceOrdinals = False
.AutoFormatReplacePlainTextEmphasis = False
.AutoFormatPreserveStyles = True
.AutoFormatPlainTextWordMail = True
End With
End With

Please help me.

Thank you.

Veronica Brown

The page numbers are fields that are stored in the headers and/or footers of
your document. You have to "physically" remove these fields.

View > Header and Footer

This might be helpful or too simplistic...reply as needed.


Thank you for your reply, Veronica.

Actually what I am looking for is the way to programmaticaly remove
auto page numbers on the Word Documents. I am merging several docs
into one and don't want any page numbers on it.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

If you're merging documents, they should not be bringing along their page
layout anyway.

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