Carl Ward
The WORD help feature states that I can remove page
numbers for part of a document by dividing the document
into sections and break the connection between them. I
have done so and have two sections, (1)a table of contents
section and (2) a chapters section. I do not want page
numbers on section #1 but do want them on section #2. When
I attempt to remove the page numbers of section #1, the
page numbers of section #2, also get removed. My method
for attempting to do this is as follows: While displaying
the 1st page of section #1, I click on <VIEW> <Headers &
Footer> which activates the Headers & footers on that page
& displays the Headers & Footers toolbar. I then click on
the Switch button to cause the disply of the footer. I
select the page number in that footer and press the delete
key, which removes it from that footer. But contray to
the WORD help info, it also removes all page numbering
from the other section of the document too.
numbers for part of a document by dividing the document
into sections and break the connection between them. I
have done so and have two sections, (1)a table of contents
section and (2) a chapters section. I do not want page
numbers on section #1 but do want them on section #2. When
I attempt to remove the page numbers of section #1, the
page numbers of section #2, also get removed. My method
for attempting to do this is as follows: While displaying
the 1st page of section #1, I click on <VIEW> <Headers &
Footer> which activates the Headers & footers on that page
& displays the Headers & Footers toolbar. I then click on
the Switch button to cause the disply of the footer. I
select the page number in that footer and press the delete
key, which removes it from that footer. But contray to
the WORD help info, it also removes all page numbering
from the other section of the document too.