Page Numbering is not right



I am using Word 2003
I have a long document, beginning with a title page, 2 pages of TOC, and
with Text beginning on actual page #4 for a total of 24 pages. I have a
header beginning on page 4 that containes "page # of total pages" code. I
told Word that page 4 is now page one (1). Which should make the page number
read "page 1 of 21", but I am getting "page 1 of 24".

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? How can I correct this
page numbering? Help please ASAP. I am suppose to turn this in today.


Stefan Blom

How did you restart the page number? If you inserted a section break at the
end of the third page (so that the paginated pages are in a separate
section), do the following: Activate the header/footer area, for example via
View | Header and Footer. Press Alt+F9 to show field codes; Page X of Y
would display as Page { PAGE } of { NUMPAGES }. Change NUMPAGES to
SECTIONPAGES. Press F9 to update. Press Alt+F9 again to hide the field


If I were turning in hard copy (or, nowadays, PDF), I'd just do it the
Brute Force way for printout & get it done for deadline.
20some pages wouldn't take that long.

I'm sure that when I did my thesis in '95 -- including
illustrations/drawings, tables, equations, TOC, foot/endnotes, program
listings, & biblio, all adding up to >100pages, that there "may" have been
more technically automatic ways to do some things, but I just had to
*get it done* & turned in!
Good Luck.

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