page numbering


Rowdy Dave

I use publisher for small books just fine. However, I have experienced the
frustration of having the first page of text appear on page 5, since I have a
cover and inside title page for each book. I'm using Publisher 2000, and I
can't make Publisher Auto-Number the pages to make the first page of text be
page 1. I can hand-number them, but prefer not to deal with the tedium of
that process.
Any suggestions short of upgrading?

Mary Sauer

It is a manual operation. You could copy/paste the text box(es), at least you will
only have to input the text rather than creating new boxes.

Mike Bailey


I would recommend doing the cover(s) as a separate publication. Professional
designers using QuarkXPress or InDesign normally do this anyway because a
cover often has different specs than the rest of the book. For example on a
coil bound book you would often make the cover 1/8" larger, on case bound
books the cover is 1/4" or more larger, on Perfect bound books you would do
it flat to include the spine.

Mike Bailey

Prepress Technician

Richnmond BC

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