Page Numbering



We have to maitain a large amount of word documents for our processes
We set up a .dot document to create all our SOP documents in an effort to
prevent the pagination errors and standardise the look of the bullets and
numbering ect...

To our surprise the pagination errors have not disapeared and keep comming
back from time to time. We tried all the suggestions given by Microsoft's
articles, MVP's articles and other sources. The problem seems to be
generalized for people using sections in documents. There doesn't seem to be
an answer to the problem and this is present it seems from version 97 of
word. Maybe it is time Microsoft stops creating more useless features and
starts fixing the usefull ones that simply don't work? I know the task seems
to big to tackle but they started it for security, why not major bugs in

A very frustrated network administrator that can't bring answer to his users.

Margaret Aldis

Hi Johnny

* What version of word
* Which page number bug(s) are you seeing - in what context
* What do the page number fields look like

Do users change header and footers and/or use Insert > Page numbers, or are
they solely using the headers and footers as set up in your template?

Margaret Aldis - Microsoft Word MVP
Syntagma partnership site:

johnny said:
We have to maitain a large amount of word documents for our processes
We set up a .dot document to create all our SOP documents in an effort to
prevent the pagination errors and standardise the look of the bullets and
numbering ect...

To our surprise the pagination errors have not disapeared and keep comming
back from time to time. We tried all the suggestions given by Microsoft's
articles, MVP's articles and other sources. The problem seems to be
generalized for people using sections in documents. There doesn't seem to be
an answer to the problem and this is present it seems from version 97 of
word. Maybe it is time Microsoft stops creating more useless features and
starts fixing the usefull ones that simply don't work? I know the task seems
to big to tackle but they started it for security, why not major bugs in

A very frustrated network administrator that can't bring answer to his


We are using Word 2002 SP3 installed trough an administrative installation

The page numbering bugs appears, of course, when printing the document. On
the print preview it is always fine. It seems (and this I cannot confirm) to
appear when another user wants to update the document from another station.

Since theese SOP are part of the IS9000 certification they have to be
printed and are very important to us, so this morning we were discussing the
possibility of comming back to manual pagination to avoid problems (can you
beleive this in 2004 ?).

Margaret Aldis

OK, we've got the Word version but you still haven't said which page number
bug you are seeing - is this the hardy perennial page X of Y problem we're
talking about, or one of the more exotic species?

If the former, I think there's a recent hotfix for SP3:

Or, since MS can't seem to keep this one dead for more than one SP, you
might want to use one of the good old workarounds in such as replacing
{NUMPAGES} with a bookmark reference to the last page or (one that isn't
mentioned, I think, but worked for one of the manifestations) changing
{NUMPAGES} to {numpages} lower case. (?!?!?!?)


I am speaking of the X of Y problem.

Saddly the link you gave points to hot fix for Word 2000 SP# not 2002 (XP)

And as per the other link, well they're workarouds, not permanent fixes.
That's my point. This is such a basic function of a word processor, you would
expect it to work!

Margaret Aldis

Hi Johnny

Sorry about the mis-link - went boss-eyed on the Word version after asking
for it ;-)

You won't get any disagreement from me on the X of Y fiasco - but a bookmark
reference has to be better than manual numbering?


Margaret: You were not clear in the answer to Johnny - while the work arounds
are okay for Word XP on the page X of Y, is there no regedit type fix as for
the one with Word 2000 SP2? Or does the same regedit hotfix work in WordXP?

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