Page Numbering



I have a document that is 10 pages long. I want numbers
to appear on all the pages, except the last page. Please

Graham Mayor

A conditional field in the header/footer should work

{IF {Page} < {Numpages} "{Page}" ""}
{IF {Page} < 10 "{Page}" ""}

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>>< ><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP
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Word MVP web site
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Graham Mayor

How is a section break easier than replacing your page number field with the
suggested field?

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>>< ><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP
E-mail (e-mail address removed)
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Word MVP web site
<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>>< ><<>


I guess I thought it would be easier for me to remember
how to use a section break rather than remember how to
create the field.

Graham Mayor

The field is childishly simple. Use CTRL+F9 for each pair of field
boundaries {} and copy the content from the original message. Press F9 to
update :) The field checks the page number either is less than the total
number of pages or less than 10 in the second example and if it is, it
inserts the page number. If not it doesn't.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>>< ><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP
E-mail (e-mail address removed)
Web site
Word MVP web site
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Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hi Karen,
I guess I thought it would be easier for me to remember
how to use a section break rather than remember how to
create the field.

if you really get the grips with section breaks, with all stuff that is
a section-property in Word, you've learnt a lot more than the average
Word user! [Of course, if you've managed to know "everything" about
fields, that's true as well ... :)]

That said, we tend to avoid using sections when it's not really
necessary: It adds up to the internal complexity of a Word document. A
single field compared to a single section break, my choice would go for
the field at all times.



Thanks-I'll give it a try.
-----Original Message-----
Hi Karen,
I guess I thought it would be easier for me to remember
how to use a section break rather than remember how to
create the field.

if you really get the grips with section breaks, with all stuff that is
a section-property in Word, you've learnt a lot more than the average
Word user! [Of course, if you've managed to know "everything" about
fields, that's true as well ... :)]

That said, we tend to avoid using sections when it's not really
necessary: It adds up to the internal complexity of a Word document. A
single field compared to a single section break, my choice would go for
the field at all times.

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