Page Numbering



I am working with a document that has 3 sections. The
first section is 2 pages numbered i and ii. The second
section is number 1-16 and is formated to dixplay page x
of x, the problem is it says page 1 of 24, 2 of 24, etc.
The 3rd section is not numbered.

Charles Kenyon

Go into your footer or wherever the page numbers are displayed. Press Alt-F9
to display field codes. Change the NumPages field to a SectionPages code. I
am assuming that you do not want pages from the first or third sections
counted in your numbering. Then press the F9 key to update the field and
Alt-F9 again to conceal the codes.

Which version of Word are you using?


YEA! It worked. Thanks so much.
Word 2003.
-----Original Message-----
Go into your footer or wherever the page numbers are displayed. Press Alt-F9
to display field codes. Change the NumPages field to a SectionPages code. I
am assuming that you do not want pages from the first or third sections
counted in your numbering. Then press the F9 key to update the field and
Alt-F9 again to conceal the codes.

Which version of Word are you using?

Charles Kenyon

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