Eric Hartup
I am trying to convert my memoirs, which have been printed,onto a cd. I
amtrying to make it easier to read on screen by using hyperlink to enable
readers to go from page to page within the chapter, returnint to the
contents page etc. I am compiling these on the main hard drive and when
completed, there are 155 pages in A5 size, burn it to a CD.
My problem is that when the hyperlinks are entered it shows the full path as
used on the computer.
How do I change them so that they are correct on the CD to enable anyone to
use it on their computer?
I have Nero Burning installed so can set up a CD as a hard drive using InCD.
Eric Hartup
amtrying to make it easier to read on screen by using hyperlink to enable
readers to go from page to page within the chapter, returnint to the
contents page etc. I am compiling these on the main hard drive and when
completed, there are 155 pages in A5 size, burn it to a CD.
My problem is that when the hyperlinks are entered it shows the full path as
used on the computer.
How do I change them so that they are correct on the CD to enable anyone to
use it on their computer?
I have Nero Burning installed so can set up a CD as a hard drive using InCD.
Eric Hartup