page numbers for word 2007


CJ Rhoads

Why did Microsoft eliminate the easy-to-use Insert Page Num button on the
Headers and Footers toolbar in Word 2007? They've replace it with a gallery
of page number choices, not a single one of which is integrated into the
header and footer. The page number often covers up underlying text in the
header and footer, and it is difficult to format and place the page number
exactly where you want it.

You can get to the "old" header and footer choice by choosing Edit Header or
Edit Footer, but you can't seem to get to the "old" page number choice
without going into Quickparts and choosing Numbering category and clicking on
Page or NumofPages. That's a lot of work for something that USED to be so
simple and easy.

Am I wrong? Is there an easier way to simply be in a header or footer and
get the page number to appear exactly where your cursor happens to be with
the same formatting as the rest of the header or footer?

While I'm on the subject, why did Microsoft make it so difficult to edit the
built-in styles? You have to go into the Manage Styles button on the List
Styles pane and UNHIDE the built in style you want to change. That's
senseless for styles that one needs to constantly change like header and

Overall I like the new ribbon interface, and most of the reorganization
makes a lot of sense. But this "forcing" to choose from a gallery is a real
pain in my a--. Microsoft should have given people direct access to headers,
footers, and page numbering at the TOP level, and put the galleries one level
down. What was once easy as pie is now a plethoral mess.

Patrick Schmid

Hi CJ,
Why did Microsoft eliminate the easy-to-use Insert Page Num button on the
Headers and Footers toolbar in Word 2007? They've replace it with a gallery
of page number choices, not a single one of which is integrated into the
header and footer. The page number often covers up underlying text in the
header and footer, and it is difficult to format and place the page number
exactly where you want it.
Not sure why you say it isn't integrated into the header and footer. As
far as I can tell, all page number items from the galleries are
integrated into the header and footer.

You can get to the "old" header and footer choice by choosing Edit Header or
Edit Footer, but you can't seem to get to the "old" page number choice
without going into Quickparts and choosing Numbering category and clicking on
Page or NumofPages. That's a lot of work for something that USED to be so
simple and easy.
If you scroll down all the way in the gallery, you'll see the Subtle
category. That looks to me like plain old choices for page numbers. I
have a gallery in QuickParts, Page Numbers btw when the header & footer
contextual tab is open.

Am I wrong? Is there an easier way to simply be in a header or footer and
get the page number to appear exactly where your cursor happens to be with
the same formatting as the rest of the header or footer?
Now I understand what you are trying to do... If you think about it, MS
has made life easier for everyone. There is no need anymore to open
headers & footers to add a page number, as you can just do this straight
from the Insert ribbon. However, if you go into headers & footers and
try to add a page number then, then it has become a bit more
While I'm on the subject, why did Microsoft make it so difficult to edit the
built-in styles? You have to go into the Manage Styles button on the List
Styles pane and UNHIDE the built in style you want to change. That's
senseless for styles that one needs to constantly change like header and
If you use the style first, it should show up in that pane without first
unhiding it.
Overall I like the new ribbon interface, and most of the reorganization
makes a lot of sense. But this "forcing" to choose from a gallery is a real
pain in my a--. Microsoft should have given people direct access to headers,
footers, and page numbering at the TOP level, and put the galleries one level
down. What was once easy as pie is now a plethoral mess.
I am sure someone can write an easy add-in to alleviate this issue. I
wrote one for choosing a style, because the style's gallery and pane are
not the best to use. See the blog on my website for the link to download
the latest version, StyleChooser V1.3

Patrick Schmid

CJ Rhoads

Hi Patrick.

Patrick Schmid said:
Hi CJ,

The page number often covers up underlying text in the
Not sure why you say it isn't integrated into the header and footer. As
far as I can tell, all page number items from the galleries are
integrated into the header and footer.

I say it's not integrated because if you put the page number in the center,
and the text of the footer is longer than the center of the page, the page
number hides the underlying text. I want the page number to move down when
the text to the right is too long.
That looks to me like plain old choices for page numbers. I
have a gallery in QuickParts, Page Numbers btw when the header & footer
contextual tab is open.

Yes, it LOOKS like plain old choices for page numbers, but it isn't. The
gallery choice includes both the formatting AND the {Page} field, so you
can't make sure the formatting is the same style as the rest of the footer -
which is dumb.
Now I understand what you are trying to do... If you think about it, MS
has made life easier for everyone. There is no need anymore to open
headers & footers to add a page number, as you can just do this straight
from the Insert ribbon. However, if you go into headers & footers and
try to add a page number then, then it has become a bit more

You never had to open up headers and footers to insert page numbers before,
either, but if you wanted to put the page number in the header or footer, it
was easy - a single button click. Now it's five steps.
If you use the style first, it should show up in that pane without first
unhiding it.
It is supposed to do that. It doesn't. Go ahead and try it. Insert a
footer. The footer style does not appear in the list even after you create
the footer, save, and return to the document. Perhaps it is a bug.
I am sure someone can write an easy add-in to alleviate this issue. I
wrote one for choosing a style, because the style's gallery and pane are
not the best to use. See the blog on my website for the link to download
the latest version, StyleChooser V1.3

Thanks - I'll try it.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

It sounds as if it the same old Insert | Page Numbers trick of inserting
page numbers in frames, which we always cautioned users against, advising
them instead to use the Insert Page Number button on the Header and Footer
toolbar. I agree this sounds like a disastrous development.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Suzanne,

Ummm, not exactly :)

Using the keyboard shortcut of Alt+Shift+P still works to insert a Page number field at the cursor location without a frame (the
behavior of the Header/Footer Toolbar's (insert)Page number field from Word 2003.

The 2007 gallery listings for Page numbers labeled 'Plain' are entries from the 'Page Number' gallery in the Building Block
Organizer. They also insert a page number field without a frame. The difference being

Using Alt+Shift+P you get this field


Using Insert 'Plain 2' (centered) to use the gallery item you get

{Page /*MergeFormat}

In both instances, if you hover over the page number a quick field button appears for the 'Format Number' dialog.

While you can add an entire gallery to the Quick Access toolbar and add or delete entries from a gallery there isn't an easy way to
add just a selected Autotext entry, but you can, at least, still assign a keyboard shortcut to individual Building block/autotext
entries, either those in Normal.dotm or Building Blocks.dotx, but you can't do it while in the gallery and the keyboard shortcut
doesn't appear in a tooltip while you're in the gallery.

As the Galleries are displayed alphabetically, by gallery category (subgroup) name ('Page X' is the first subgroup in the gallery),
you can move an entry to the top of the gallery list by going into the Building Blocks Organizer (Alt+B) and (in this case) edit the
properties for the block entry to

a. Change the category of 'Plain Number 2' to 'Page X'.

b. Rename the item from 'Plain Number 2' to, say
'1. Plain Number 2 (top center).

although you may need to shut down Word and restart it for the change to appear in the gallery.

It sounds as if it the same old Insert | Page Numbers trick of inserting
page numbers in frames, which we always cautioned users against, advising
them instead to use the Insert Page Number button on the Header and Footer
toolbar. I agree this sounds like a disastrous development.

Suzanne S. Barnhill >>
I hope this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office system products MVP

LINKS to the 2007 Office System

1. Read about it, try it, or watch the movie :)
the 2007 Microsoft Office system info,
online Test Drive, or downloadable beta is at

2. Already have 2007 Office System Beta 2?
Send Microsoft your feedback (with pictures)

3. Use the 2007 OfficeOnline website without Office2007

a. Install the ActiveX access control
b. then visit

Suzanne S. Barnhill

This is all good stuff. I hope I'll remember all this when I actually get a
chance to use Word 2007 (I'm still trying to find time to get back to the
Test Drive).

Bob Buckland ?:-) said:
Hi Suzanne,

Ummm, not exactly :)

Using the keyboard shortcut of Alt+Shift+P still works to insert a Page
number field at the cursor location without a frame (the
behavior of the Header/Footer Toolbar's (insert)Page number field from Word 2003.

The 2007 gallery listings for Page numbers labeled 'Plain' are entries
from the 'Page Number' gallery in the Building Block
Organizer. They also insert a page number field without a frame. The difference being

Using Alt+Shift+P you get this field


Using Insert 'Plain 2' (centered) to use the gallery item you get

{Page /*MergeFormat}

In both instances, if you hover over the page number a quick field button
appears for the 'Format Number' dialog.
While you can add an entire gallery to the Quick Access toolbar and add or
delete entries from a gallery there isn't an easy way to
add just a selected Autotext entry, but you can, at least, still assign a
keyboard shortcut to individual Building block/autotext
entries, either those in Normal.dotm or Building Blocks.dotx, but you
can't do it while in the gallery and the keyboard shortcut
doesn't appear in a tooltip while you're in the gallery.

As the Galleries are displayed alphabetically, by gallery category
(subgroup) name ('Page X' is the first subgroup in the gallery),
you can move an entry to the top of the gallery list by going into the
Building Blocks Organizer (Alt+B) and (in this case) edit the

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Suzanne,

Thank you :) While waiting to get back to the test drive you may want to download the 6MB PDF (213 page) copy of the MS Press book

"First Look 2007 Microsoft® Office System"
that is based on the Beta 2 version of Office 2007
(except for the cover page, the pictures are all in greyscale)

You can download it from the Office 2007 Online preview site

(If you don't have the beta installed you'll need the Active X control from link 3 below)

or from the Microsoft E-Learning Office 2007 Portal (without the Active X control) at

This is all good stuff. I hope I'll remember all this when I actually get a
chance to use Word 2007 (I'm still trying to find time to get back to the
Test Drive).

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)>>
I hope this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office system products MVP

LINKS to the 2007 Office System

1. Read about it, try it, or watch the movie :)
the 2007 Microsoft Office system info,
online Test Drive, or downloadable beta is at

2. Already have 2007 Office System Beta 2?
Send Microsoft your feedback (with pictures)

3. Use the 2007 OfficeOnline website without Office2007

a. Install the ActiveX access control
b. then visit

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Thanks, Bob. I'll keep this in mind.

Bob Buckland ?:-) said:
Hi Suzanne,

Thank you :) While waiting to get back to the test drive you may want to
download the 6MB PDF (213 page) copy of the MS Press book

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