Page numbers in booklet



Is there anyway to make the page numbers start on the 3rd page instead of
the default choice of "different first page" option? I need a blank page,
then the title page, then Page 1 so that it flows correctly after putting
the back and front cover pages on it.

using word 2007 is a real pain .. I've had to save the booklet to a word
2003 doc just to be able to get it to print correctly!!!!

any help appreciated!

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You'll need a section break between pages 2 and 3, then use Format Page
Number to start the Section 2 page numbering to start at 1.


is Page break and section break the same thing? I can't find anything that
says section break?

Terry Farrell

No it isn't. Click on Insert Breaks on the Page Layout ribbon.

However, it isn't necessary. Instead of inserting a plain Page Number field
in the footer, insert the following field which uses the IF field to
determine if the page is greater than Page 2 and then subtracts 2 from the
page number.

So on Page 3, it will determine that the page is greater than page 2, and
then calculate the page as 3-2=1 displaying Page 1; on Page 4 it will again
determine that the page is greater than page 2 and calculate 4-2=2...

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Or if this is 2003 as Pam implied, it's Insert | Break | Section Break: Next
Page. Note that calculated page numbers won't work in a TOC.

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