Page Numbers in Word 2007



I just upgraded to Word 2007. I can't seem to figure out how to insert page
numbers. I find what I think is the command in the ribbon but it grayed
out. Can anyone help?
Thanks, Jim


If the insert page number button is not available, it probably means you are
in web layout view. Click the view tab to check. If you are in Web Layout,
switch to Print Layout and the insert page number button should become


Hi JoAnn,
I did what you suggest and it doesn't work. The buttons are on the ribbon
but when I try to insert page numbers the command is grayed out.
Thanks, Jim

Jay Freedman

Hi Jim,

As an experiment, can you insert a cover page, or a header or footer?

If none of that works, you probably have a damaged Building
Blocks.dotx file (where all of these things live).

If that's the case, close Word and open Windows Explorer. In the
address box, type (or copy/paste from here)

%appdata%\Microsoft\Document Building Blocks\1033

and press Enter. You should see the Building Blocks.dotx file there.
Either move it to another folder or delete it. Then restart Word,
which will make a new file. Try your page numbers now.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.


Dear Jay,
I was having the same "greyed-out" page number issue and your advice to
delete that file and restart Word fixed it.

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