Page Numbers



In the footer of my document, I have page numbers set to
page x of x, where "x" is coded, as opposed to manually
typed. I would like to be able to add an exhibit page to
the end of the document, but I don't want it to affect
the page numbering. For example, I don't want it to
change "page 1 of 200" to "page 1 of 201", because the
exhibit should not be reflected in the page number. Is
there a way to code the exhibit page so it won't affect
the page numbering of the rest of the document?

Charles Kenyon

No. But...

You can change the coding in your header / footer. Go into the h/f using
View => Headers and Footers.

Then press Alt-F9. You should see the field code { NUMPAGES } in there
instead of the actual number of pages. Select this code (including the
braces) and press Ctrl-F9. This inserts another pair of field codes. Type in
there to make the entire thing say:
{ = { NUMPAGES } - 1 }

Then press F9 and then Alt-F9.

Hope this helps.

Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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