Page Re-ordering



If this is a self-evident feature that I missed, please excuse in advance.
That said, I've been poking around for a while and can't seem to find an

Is there a way to reorder subpages without cutting the page out, deleting,
inserting a blank page and then pasting the original in?


Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

If this is a self-evident feature that I missed, please excuse in advance.
That said, I've been poking around for a while and can't seem to find an

Is there a way to reorder subpages without cutting the page out, deleting,
inserting a blank page and then pasting the original in?



Yes it's possible.

1. Click on the page tab of the page you want to move. In SP1 it turns
a deep orange
2. Drag the page tab (fairly slowly) to where you want it to go. A
small black (left pointing) arrow will appear at the exreme right of
the screen when the page can be inserted between or above or below
existing pages.

(If you chose to put page tabs at the left of the screen reverse the
directions above.)

This works for moving pages or subpages.

However, if you try to move a page which has subpages you (as far as I
am aware) have to be aware of another little trick so that you don't
have to move each page/subpage individually. Ctrl+clicking to select
several doesn't work. However, if you Shift+click on the page tab and
the (usually lowest?) subpage tab you can move the page and its
associated subpage as a group.

I hope that helps.

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

Chris_Pratley \(MS\)

Actually, the design is as follows:

* if you are not on a page at the moment, a single click on a page tab takes
you to that page
* if you are currently on a page and you click its tab, it selects the
entire page
* once a page is selected (bold blue outline), if it is a main page in a
group, and if you single click again, the whole group will be selected.

* If you click on the page tab of a page that is *not* selected, then
holding the mouse button down while moving up or down does a "riffle",
similar to putting your thumb on a stack of paper and flipping through all
the pages. This is a nice way to visually see all the pages in a section
easily to locate something by how it looks.
* If you click on a page tab of a page (or page group) that *is* selected,
then moving up or down will move that page (or page group) - look for the
little black arrow to show you where the pages will be dropped. You can only
drag/drop pages within a section in 2003. Yes, we know people want full
* If you click on the page tab of a page that is *not* selected, then moving
right or left first pulls the page "out of the stack", and lets you
drag/drop as if you had first selected the page.

Chris Pratley (MS)
OneNote design team

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