Hi, I am revising a manual in word format and am using the XP version. Each
page has a footer with an effective date and page number. When revising
just an individual page I want to change the effective date of that one page
only and leave the other dates as they were. I can change the footer and
create a new section so that footer is unique with that one new effective
date, but then the page numbers start over again.
Anyone know how I can control both the individual page effective date and
continue the numbering for the entire manual? If this is not possible with
Word, any ideas on another application that can handle this?
Best regards,
page has a footer with an effective date and page number. When revising
just an individual page I want to change the effective date of that one page
only and leave the other dates as they were. I can change the footer and
create a new section so that footer is unique with that one new effective
date, but then the page numbers start over again.
Anyone know how I can control both the individual page effective date and
continue the numbering for the entire manual? If this is not possible with
Word, any ideas on another application that can handle this?
Best regards,