Page Setup & Page Title questions/comments



1. Is there a way to set a default Paper Size and Print Margins (rather than
have every new page setup default to "auto")? My only workaround thus far is
to set a page up to my liking, then create subpages thereafter; they match
the parent page's size, etc.

2. Page Title: I've read some of the past postings regarding hiding the
Page Titles. Under Page Setup, when the "Show page title" box is unchecked,
it permanently removes the page title, just as it clearly states will happen.
But why?

I noticed in a past posting that the title content being permanently removed
could be a bug, but since it clearly states under the "Show page title"
option that the title content will be permanently removed, I suppose it is no
longer considered a bug.

My only workaround for this is to delete the date/time stamp under the
title, and then change the color of the title text to white, making it

As a teacher, I need to do this because I store all of my records/forms/etc.
in ON -- I fill them out/print them whenever needed. Student records, po's,
standard forms, you name it. I can't do that with the page title visible in
the upper left corner. This wasn't an issue in ON2003 since the title was in
the header which did not show in the print-out.

It would be AWESOME if the "Show page title" could be toggled on/off without
deleting the page title content. Seems very simple for such a brilliant,
powerful program.

Note: For existing documents, I still have to manually move the page
contents/images up to fill the blank white margin at the top of the page and
the overlap at the bottom (they are letter size sheets), but I can live with
that! It's worth it to upgrade to ON2007. But for every NEW
form/scan/record, I'd have to rig the title and the date/time stamp every
time. Besides, IMO, to permanently lose the page title when toggling it
on/off just doesn't make sense for such a feature-rich program!

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