Page Size and Printing




Trying to figure out how to set up OneNote for use.

I've created a blank page as A4 size. However when I need to print my
notes I cannot get it sensibly onto a page of A4.

For instance:

Create a blank page and make its size A4. Set the margins to 0. Draw
an arrow from the very left edge to the very right.

Now I would expect this to actually print an arrow from the very left
to the very right on a page of A4 when my print settings are set to A4
also. However when I print it goes on to 2 pages width wise if I dont
check "scale...". If I do check that then it seems to scale down the
arrow so it fits in about half the size of an A4 piece of paper.

Am I missing something? I feel like I must be? Any pointers would be
greatly appreciated. If this is a bug will it be fixed in 2007?

Thanks in advance,


Grant Robertson


Trying to figure out how to set up OneNote for use.

I've created a blank page as A4 size. However when I need to print my
notes I cannot get it sensibly onto a page of A4.

It doesn't matter which version of OneNote you are using, printing is
pretty much what you get is what you get. If you set the page to a
certain size it really doesn't affect the quality or size of printing. As
far as I'm concerned it is totally messed up and I just accept it the way
it is. Your best bet is to just choose the "Automatic" page size and
print with "Scale content to paper width" turned on and just accept what
you get. Oddly, this option is only available in the Print Preview
dialog in both versions. What they were thinking when they did this I
don't have a clue, but that's the way it is.

Why people who should know better keep asking what version people have is
beyond me. Things like this are just as bad in both versions.


Hi Ben - I have ON2003 SP1. Its the trial as I was planning on waiting
to buy 2007 when that arrives.
Any ideas? Just looked at Journal and that seems to do what I want

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Aloha Grant,
Why people who should know better keep asking what version people have
is beyond me.

I ask because before I go waste any time trying to find a fix for them I
want to make sure I'm looking in the same version they have. It wouldn't
do much good for me to find a workaround for him in ON2007 if he's using
2003 (as it turns out he is) now would it?

Also I ask in a futile attempt to remind other posters that it's helpful
if they tell us what version they're using when they ask a question.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

Grant Robertson

Note I just got ON2007!

Though it seems to do the same thing?

That is my point. There are still some things that behave exactly the
same in both 03 and 07. It is amazing how many of the MVPs have forgotten
what features are in 03 and how they work. I guess they had their copies
of 07 a lot sooner and, being the faithful crowd that they are,
immediately switched completely over.

Rainald Taesler

Ben M. Schorr - MVP shared these words of wisdom:
Sounds like a bug.

A bug??
I'd rather think a "design flaw".
Printing in ON is quite something. For sure one of the downsides :-(


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