Page sub-totals

  • Thread starter Charles Christensen
  • Start date

Charles Christensen

I am trying to help a friend set up a fairly complicated
document (an antiques appraisal). It has 6 initial pages
with mostly boiler plate text, but with things like first
name and last name. It also has a table of properties
starting on page 7 which may go on to many pages where
each row contains item#, description and amount. The total
of the amounts from all pages of the table must be printed
on the last page, whatever it turns out to be; the total
also needs to appear on page 2. Lastly, she needs a sub-
total on each page from page 7 - ??, excluding the last
page, of the amounts that appear on that page.

I have accomplished all the requirements except the page
sub-totals. Does anyone know how to set up these totals?


Hi Charles,

You can do it by using { = Sum (cell1, cell2, .... celln) } but that gets
very tedious because you have to refer to each individual cell that you want
to included in the sub-total. It might be easier to have a separate table
for each page so that you can use { = Sum (Above) } to get a sub-total for
that page and then by bookmarking either those results or each table, you
can get hold of the values to come up with the Grand Total.

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.
Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP



Thank you for your response. However, what I have is
a "very" non-technical user (I am a programmer/analyst)
who enters each line of the table. I've set the table to
ensure that a line of the property table all prints on one
page. So the user just starts with line 1 and goes on to
line "n" for as many pages as needed. She does not
manipulate the table except to edit the content. I've set
this document up as a template. When opened, I have VBA
code to display a form to get the basic data. Is there a
way to have VBA code to identify which cells in column C
are on page 7, page 8, page 9, etc such that the VBA code
can update a total in the footer for its corresponding

Thank you,

Chuck Christensen


Hi Charles,

A direct answer to your question would be that you can use the .Information
property to get the page number. Your use of the word "footer" concerns me
because to get different information such as the sub-total to be displayed
in the page footer, each page would need to be a separate section.

I think it is probably possible to use vba to interate through the cells of
the table, keeping a running total, until it determines that the cell it is
in is on a new page, then go back one row (to the last on the previous
page), insert a row in front of it, which should push the row to the top of
the next page and then enter a value in the required cell of the new row
which should now be the last on the page, and so on.

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.
Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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