Page tabs - renaming



How can I rename page tabs?
I'm running SP1 and thought I could right click to edit page tab name, but
this does not work

Kathy J

Are you talking about page tabs (down the right side of the OneNote
interface) or section tabs (across the side of the interface)? Section tabs
can be renamed via double click and type. Page tab names come from the title
of the page. To change them, view the page and change the text in the title

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Co-Author of Life on OneNote - Coming Dec 2004 from Holy Macro! Books
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived


thanks for the reponse - but I can't get that to work.
The page tabs are all numbered, not named adn the page title makes no

Any other ideas please
Many thanks

The area I want to edit is the title of the

John Waller

The page tabs are all numbered, not named adn the page title makes no

In the bottom RHS of the screen is a small white left pointing arrow in a
lavender blue circle. This is the Show/Hide Page Titles toggle button.

Click it once to see page titles instead of numbers. This could be made more
intuitive IMHO :)

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

The page numbers serve to _reversibly_ allow more of the page to show at
the expense of the page names, similar to the way internet browsers that
are more advanced than IE6 allow you to see more of a web page by
temprorarily suppressing the view of most of the controls and buttons.


Doesn't F11 take you at least part way to what you want in IE6?

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

Why would anyone ever want page numbes instead of names? Seems enormously
unintuitive to me.

- Adam


The numbers take up less space than long alphabetic titles. It gives
you the option of having more area to type on/in if you use numbers.

Also in some use cases a numeric value, in sequence, is useful. Pages
are in those use cases automatically numbered in the order they are

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

John Waller

The toggling process between page naming and numbering is still very
unintuitive though.

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